Paris Hilton BACK In JAIL :: Exclusive Leaked Footage – Body Cavity STRIP Search!

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Paris Hilton, hotel heiress and celebritante, has officially surrendered herself to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs’ authorities and has begun to serve her 23 day sentence. We at HotRoast have obtained exclusive footage of Paris’ check-in and full booty.. er, body cavity search.

Paris Hilton, hotel heiress and celebritante, has officially surrendered herself to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs’ authorities and has begun to serve her 23 day prison sentence. We at HotRoast have obtained exclusive footage of Paris’ check-in and full body cavity search.



  • Paris is a perfect city to visit in the autumn. Its not to warm or to cold, its just nice. I like visiting Louvre.

  • C1M5K0 (2 weeks ago)
    LOL, I like it. It is funny and classic.

    mariazhi (2 weeks ago)
    lol……it was funny….i thought it was a man*the black hair person* until it said woman…^_^

    DocKnows (2 weeks ago)
    Well that was 5 star funny…

    vlogolution (2 weeks ago)
    Hey y’all thanks for the comments! ;o) FREE TINKERBELL!

    MatthiewBaisley (2 weeks ago)
    That guy with the wig freaked me out.

    vlogolution (2 weeks ago)
    hey that’s no guy that’s just a very butchy prison guard lady! hehe :-)

    PCPproduction (2 weeks ago)
    I always wondered why she that constant smirk… besides being uberrich and all…
    Cool vid!

    rbdevon3 (2 weeks ago)

    howard222 (2 weeks ago)
    This is great! Very funny!

    carleysdaughter (2 weeks ago)
    i love it! big hugs,Victoria

    thebootcampbabe (2 weeks ago)
    ou guys are crazy!! lol!!!

    PAD28 (2 weeks ago)
    Very nice, but Paris’ tits aren’t that nice! I enjoyed it. Thanks for subscribing to my video page. Peace

    Dousch (2 weeks ago)
    wow really hot “paris”

    blasted1977 (2 weeks ago)
    it would be great if someone slit her throat in jail.

    enkaeelnot (2 weeks ago)
    umm.. even paris doesn’t have that much shape. you should hve gotten an anorexic

    raiden233 (2 weeks ago)
    woow paris became much hotter in jail thats hotttt wow paris my respect(i know she isnt paris)but she is way hotter than paris

    TScott1998 (2 weeks ago)
    Good video editing, I liked the look of the scene. I watched the whole thing, but it is boring as hell.

    goodgodzilla (2 weeks ago)
    Very funny if a tad long, more please.

    NeonSyN (2 weeks ago)
    Paris Hilton does not look that good, but funny vid. Thanks for the add btw

    mywishfish (2 weeks ago)
    love it! that’s hot ~

    iwannabeamoviestar (2 weeks ago)
    as hot as paris?

    michellecoudon (2 weeks ago)
    love it or hate it – thanks everyone for sharing your comments!

    JackAwful (2 weeks ago)
    a bit long – thought I was watching “Gone With The Cut Wind”.

    BurgerTrench (2 weeks ago)
    The babe in your videos is hot, thus they are worth watching.

    LosSimpsonsTV (2 weeks ago)

    fairestbitchofthem (2 weeks ago)
    who would of guessed that paris had that much up her tush? lol…

    lovexxpeacexxjoy (2 weeks ago)
    Funny & nice uses of classic film look!!You all did a great job.:O) Also thank you missumusic,for sending me this video too!!!

    moneymak8r (2 weeks ago)

    ikansusu (2 weeks ago)
    have some respect for Buddha please.

    vlogolution (2 weeks ago)
    no disrespect intended to buddha or the catholic church :-)

    Bacchae30 (2 weeks ago)
    relax, they are just making fun of the fact that Paris was convieniently seen with the Holy Bible and Buddhism stuff days before her jail sentence took effect. She is a has been and her 15 minutes are almost up.

    Skott62 (2 weeks ago)
    Mildly amusing.

    OnlyTheSnake (2 weeks ago)
    this sucks, the girl is nowhere near as ugly, skanky or unattractive as paris hilton =P

    nabilw90 (2 weeks ago)
    fuk buddah. its enough respect to hav it in paris’s butt. and the video isnt that sxc as expeccted.

    vlogolution (2 weeks ago)
    Hey everyone! If you enjoyed this vid be sure to catch our other Paris the Heiress vids: “Pump It Up for the Pokey” and “Jail into Sales with Jailbait Couture”. Cheers ;o)

    gedaman (2 weeks ago)

    wishsupastar (2 weeks ago)
    No, it wasn’t lame. Cute, funny and cheeky video guys (without being too raunchy)! Great job, I especially loved the Charlie Chaplinesque feel and look.

    parisxhiltonsxthong (2 weeks ago)
    she didn’t take me with her!.if i’d had been there you wouldn’t have got anything!like bat-fink’”my wings are like a shield of steel”lol.

    keiix (2 weeks ago)

    KingmaDDDin (2 weeks ago)

    FunkyHouseVideos (2 weeks ago)
    That was hilarious…my favorite video yet…5 stars, and I’m going to tell everyone about it!!

    vlogolution (2 weeks ago)
    thanks a bunch sexy! ~ muah ~ muah

    elgoneimy (2 weeks ago)
    Funny but this girl is a hell of a lot better looking then Hilton

    C1M5K0 (2 weeks ago)
    This Russian guy want to meet Paris Hilton!




    DiscoGabe (2 weeks ago)
    She is so damn fugly and she thinks she’s all hot and shit.

    Underoath908 (2 weeks ago)
    Love the whole old type movie with the silent actors and the screens showing what they’re saying. Oh, and the, “Doh!” Great video.

    dann100mp (2 weeks ago)
    Funny. My sister in law has even more stuff on her.

  • I think the ship has sailed on the Paris Hilton parodies. No Offence

  • domo:

    Brilliant and funny. Watched it several times, and each time I found something else to chuckle about. Gonna tell all my friends to watch. But did it hurt?

  • youtube comments:

    Rit00 (1 hour ago)

    allenwanghong106 (2 hours ago)

    zepainter (2 hours ago)
    lovely! great fx!

    Sweetlittlemystery (6 hours ago)
    hey thanks for the invite vvv funny! maybe all us sane people who have a real idea of reality should start a put the bitch back in jail petition, surely it’d out weigh the plastic brigade’s attempt?

    Moammama (8 hours ago)
    trop drole !

    beckiroo1phamad (6 hours ago)
    paris shuld stay in prison she jus cryed her way out of it i ope she gets put back in she needs 2 do tyme 4 er crime any normal person wuldnt b let out! tho i do lyk paris bt im not a fan!

    good mock up tho excellent !

    austinlgiguere (10 hours ago)
    Excellent Lyrical Sarky Production!!!

    KnightChatX (11 hours ago)

    iloveMCR1st (12 hours ago)
    why did they let paris out of jail? did the little bitch hate it? aww poor little slut*evil grins*..lol peace,Sadie

    ArrrMaltie (15 hours ago)
    I am surprised riots aren’t happening in L.A. How many BLACK people get out of jail early? Anyway, funny video and thanks for the re-share.

    hbombsandtcells (16 hours ago)
    brilliant! and i like the charlie chaplin-style tribute.

    jaahilejuoma (22 hours ago)
    haha, not bad. the idea is simple and quite funny, but there was a bit too much stuff on her :D

    DarkoFilth (22 hours ago)
    haha what a brilliant video!! that girl has such a great body too!

    BibleCross (22 hours ago)

    vlogolution (23 hours ago)
    actually, if you look closely at the right hand (farthest from the camera) there is a rubber glove on!

    grayfeather (1 day ago)
    Funny well thought out, shows a lot of talent, very cool, size 11, oh my lol. thanks

    gaz88y (1 day ago)
    hahaha that was brilliant

    borissabee (1 day ago)
    that was FUNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! but really, you should have had a pair of gloves on for that NASTY SEARCH!

  • C1M5K0 (2 days ago)
    LOL, I like it. It is funny and classic.

    mariazhi (2 days ago)
    lol……it was funny….i thought it was a man*the black hair person* until it said woman…^_^

    DocKnows (2 days ago)
    Well that was 5 star funny…

    vlogolution (2 days ago)
    Hey y’all thanks for the comments! ;o) FREE TINKERBELL!

    MatthiewBaisley (2 days ago)
    That guy with the wig freaked me out.

    vlogolution (2 days ago)
    hey that’s no guy that’s just a very butchy prison guard lady! hehe :-)

    PCPproduction (2 days ago)
    I always wondered why she that constant smirk… besides being uberrich and all…
    Cool vid!

    rbdevon3 (2 days ago)

    howard222 (2 days ago)
    This is great! Very funny!

    carleysdaughter (2 days ago)
    i love it! big hugs,Victoria

    thebootcampbabe (1 day ago)
    ou guys are crazy!! lol!!!

    PAD28 (1 day ago)
    Very nice, but Paris’ tits aren’t that nice! I enjoyed it. Thanks for subscribing to my video page. Peace

    Dousch (1 day ago)
    wow really hot “paris”

    blasted1977 (1 day ago)
    it would be great if someone slit her throat in jail.

    enkaeelnot (1 day ago)
    umm.. even paris doesn’t have that much shape. you should hve gotten an anorexic

    raiden233 (1 day ago)
    woow paris became much hotter in jail thats hotttt wow paris my respect(i know she isnt paris)but she is way hotter than paris

    TScott1998 (1 day ago)
    Good video editing, I liked the look of the scene. I watched the whole thing, but it is boring as hell.

    goodgodzilla (1 day ago)
    Very funny if a tad long, more please.

    NeonSyN (1 day ago)
    Paris Hilton does not look that good, but funny vid. Thanks for the add btw

    mywishfish (1 day ago)
    love it! that’s hot ~

    iwannabeamoviestar (1 day ago)
    as hot as paris?

    michellecoudon (1 day ago)
    love it or hate it – thanks everyone for sharing your comments!

    JackAwful (1 day ago)
    a bit long – thought I was watching “Gone With The Cut Wind”.

    BurgerTrench (1 day ago)
    The babe in your videos is hot, thus they are worth watching.

    LosSimpsonsTV (1 day ago)

    fairestbitchofthem (1 day ago)
    who would of guessed that paris had that much up her tush? lol…

    lovexxpeacexxjoy (1 day ago)
    Funny & nice uses of classic film look!! You all did a great job.:O) Also thank you missumusic,for sending me this video too!!!

    moneymak8r (1 day ago)

    ikansusu (1 day ago)
    have some respect for Buddha please.

    vlogolution (23 hours ago)
    no disrespect intended to buddha or the catholic church :-)

    Bacchae30 (7 hours ago)
    relax, they are just making fun of the fact that Paris was convieniently seen with the Holy Bible and Buddhism stuff days before her jail sentence took effect. She is a has been and her 15 minutes are almost up.

    Skott62 (1 day ago)
    Mildly amusing.

    OnlyTheSnake (22 hours ago)
    this sucks, the girl is nowhere near as ugly, skanky or unattractive as paris hilton =P

    nabilw90 (20 hours ago)
    fuk buddah. its enough respect to hav it in paris’s butt. and the video isnt that sxc as expeccted.

    vlogolution (13 hours ago)
    Hey everyone! If you enjoyed this vid be sure to catch our other Paris the Heiress vids: “Pump It Up for the Pokey” and “Jail into Sales with Jailbait Couture”. Cheers ;o)

    gedaman (13 hours ago)

    wishsupastar (12 hours ago)
    No, it wasn’t lame. Cute, funny and cheeky video guys (without being too raunchy)! Great job, I especially loved the Charlie Chaplinesque feel and look.

    parisxhiltonsxthong (11 hours ago)
    she didn’t take me with her!.if i’d had been there you wouldn’t have got anything!like bat-fink’”my wings are like a shield of steel”lol.

    keiix (11 hours ago)

    KingmaDDDin (10 hours ago)

    FunkyHouseVideos (8 hours ago)
    That was hilarious…my favorite video yet…5 stars, and I’m going to tell everyone about it!!

    vlogolution (8 hours ago)
    thanks a bunch sexy! ~ muah ~ muah

    elgoneimy (7 hours ago)
    Funny but this girl is a hell of a lot better looking then Hilton

    C1M5K0 (5 hours ago)
    This Russian guy want to meet Paris Hilton!




    DiscoGabe (3 hours ago)
    She is so damn fugly and she thinks she’s all hot and shit.

    Underoath908 (1 hour ago)
    Love the whole old type movie with the silent actors and the screens showing what they’re saying. Oh, and the, “Doh!” Great video.

    dann100mp (2 minutes ago)
    Funny. My sister in law has even more stuff on her.

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