Timothy Sykes and Alexander Paul Morris, Music: “KYA” by Paulus |
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Timothy Sykes and Alexander Paul Morris, Music: “KYA” by Paulus |
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Well, maybe they should be jealous sk8…that’s what compels people to become rich…I think at least.
I think he turned 20,000 into about a million and got all cocky. I think he lost it all.
Sykes’ Cilantro Fund Partners hedge fund collapsed amid heavy losses.
Nice Video. Check out TubeViews (dotnet) If you need your video exposed, It has really helped me a bunch. Be blessed! Nice.
This guy seems to be highly impulsive and an alcoholic, not to mention profane. Why would you want to take his advice on anything?
… That’s why we have the SEC to prevent this.
Cult Idiot.
is this a joke. hes kind of a nut.
Hmmm, these people work hard, and are smart enough to make/lose their money, in a capatilist society the poor are poor because of their own actions or lack thereof. They earn their money like any other member of society, just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you should be jealous.
This guys a clown!…I like him though!
your an idiot
Yeah TIM! Nice book! Great DVD!
hahaha YOU WALLSTREET PIGS YOURE GOIN DOWN! YOU MADE ENOUGH POEPLE HOMELESS AND POOR AND STARVE Wallstreet Crash = low home prices low cost living low cost goods and freedom and happier lives for everyone! wallstreet boom = low wages labour slavery housing hyperinflation homelessness poverty famine and eventual civil collaps into a darkage of human slavery destruction and starvation while wallstreets rich materialistic snobbish pigs would enslave and massacre commoners and citizens for sport
yes he´s kind of an idiot but i like his style hahaha keep goin!
Most hedge funds and managers have no clue about buying stocks. All they try to do is raise capital, and keep raising capital. Its a ponzi scheme wherein they make higher fees upon their higher capital base. I laugh at that American Hedge fund movie with that hot broad. Those people know nothing about business, investing, reading a balance sheet, or anything. This is why they all lose their jobs and go bankrupt.
What are you going to do with those 89 pennies?
goosefabba is what i say when i get mad. goooseeffffaaaaaabbbaaaa
damn..this guy is really such an arrogant piece of shit.that attitude cant take you far.so he made $1.5m and it got to his head.. well he lost it soon after but he’s still acting like a champ..what a dickhead
So he fcked up already? yeah At first glance he was a show guy! that’s all, maybe he had some luck on his trading firs time. But he gets emotional during the trade and that’s not the way of traders to get emotional.
how can i get a hold of that dvd?
shut up im up %89 over this guy pennystocking dvd
Was it Blueberry or Bubblegum?
Timothy Sucks !!!! I toked to this guy on my space and I should say: He is an idiot!
Music is “KYA” by Paulus
What’s the name of song played in the background of the Tim sykes vid?