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(o)(o) Because she’s a Bitch…ibon. This video goes out to anyone who’s ever wondered what’s up with MRirian a.k.a. Magibon on YouTube and what in the world she may be saying (if she even speaks at all)!

Michelle Renee Coudon as Bitchibon
Alexander Paul Morris – Lighting, Sound and Camera Dude

Music: “Amari Wakaranai Kedo” by Kulimu


Hi! Hi! My sister slept with my forty-year-old history teacher / boyfriend. She is a penniless slut. If she’d charge more than eleven dollars for a hand job she’d have more money. She has a cat. I hate them both.

I tried to drown that fat ass pussy in the bathtub. I failed. So I threw in a hairdryer to electrocute it but that failed too. So I went to the garage and found an old kerosene lamp. I dumped the oil into the tub and lit it with a blow torch. It lit that fucking thing up like the 4th of July but didn’t kill the little fucker. I went to the basement and found a chainsaw, some ginzu knives, ninja stars, Osama Bin Laden, weapons of mass destruction, a Celine Dion CD, mustard gas and a guy from the “Wiggles”. But I didn’t get a chance to complete my mission. That pussy bitch heard Celine and committed hara-kiri.”


 by on Mar 7, 2008, 12:00am
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