Music: “Lilly…so far away” by Fireproof Babies
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Music: “Lilly…so far away” by Fireproof Babies
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they were under her wing
haha yeah i think i know that dumbass i literally meant it looks like they were just chilling in their mom’s ass and came walking out.
babies come from the vagina
quite cute
wow did the ducklings just come out of their moms ass. they are really cute though haha
Why was this recommended to me?! I prefer kicking ducks!
aw what a good mamma duck
hi please someone send me messages!!!!!! hiya this vid is the best and cutest in da flippin world its so cute!!! i wish i could go to a park like that i mean its kinda rubbish where i live!!!!!!! well there is a canal but its not really got many ducks and people are trashing it!! its really evil people just throw litter into the canal and once i saw a duckling die because it ate part of the litter! its makes me cry thinking about it!!!!!! :(:(:(
ohhh…this are so cute little babies.!! it´s soooo cute.!! i love this vid.!! bye by, the piyoko.mali
Eee the ducks are so cute. XD Gees, I’m such a sucker for cute things.
I’ve seen cuter. Of course they were technically goslings. And it was actually in Newark. But they were still cuter.
And you must be some kind of racist.
OMG, what kind of a person are you, you mus be black!
You should’ve just snapped it’s neck, or cut it by the neck, that way the meat will stay intact. We have a cat farm and we breed them for food and sell the fur to a clothing making company and we always process them this way. It’s ok, animals don’t have feelings.
ducks are so delicious.. one my dad bout a duck.. it was alive i gave it to eat and drink for a week ^^ one day my dad was coocking and said to me to brind the duck.. i took him out and he game me a knife.. he said i had to kill it.. I didint know what to do. I STICKED IT THROUGH HIS CHEST LIKE 5 TIMES MAN!! DUDE IT WAS LIKE SO WEIRD HOW ITS SCREAMD HAHAHA.. then my dad said i mesed to much up the duck so we threw it away and bout another one.. this time i cut his throught haha nice n clean
Ummm are you jessica sagain?? do you go to wilma handson? cause if you do I know you….
soooooooo cute!
so adorable! Ducks rule!
I ♥ DUCKS They’re so cuuuuuuuuute
i love ducks
love it so cute
NO, he’s right. Mother ducks are VERY protective! I know, I raised ducks when I was a kid up until high school.
Really good mom, really good, she went back to the baby ducks. I like it!
i had a duck back home in dhaka, i used to call her tuni…she looked just like the mum duck in this clips.. she was a duck but she neva behaved like duck..she used to hate water n used to hang out with my parrots n my pegions as buddies but she died of disease..i miss her alot..