Barack Obama does hot pizza, and we say keep the change!

However, the underprivileged seem more destitute than ever, still wondering how the $700 BILLION bailout helped them out, especially since Joe the Plumber laid them off.
They also wonder why Obama couldn’t turn over a good chunk of that $150 MILLION a month he was receiving in campaign contributions.
Guess we should have known better when his buddies at Fannie Mae called him their “family” and “conscience”.
Regardless, with the dollar once again in the crapper, at least he did manage to get his piehole on what people now call the “new dollar bill”.
(knock knock) Michelle: Yeah, coming!
PDB: Pizza Delivery Boy!
Michelle: Hi. How much is this?
PDB: $700,000
Michelle: $700,000 bucks?!! WOW, ok, well, here’s a MILLION, uggh. Just, KEEP THE CHANGE…!
PDB: Oh, muchos gracias seniorita!
Michelle: Yeah, you’re welcome… De nada!
Michelle: Yeah, thank you.
PDB: Enjoy it.
Michelle: Thanks!
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I’d bang the crap outta this chick!
Its only gonna get stupider.
well, we’re gettin change alright. But people probably didn’t expect the change to be smaching the constitution and ushering in communism.
Sounds logical to me…….only a million dollars for a pizza…….
thats a big lie
with inflation. its a definate possibility. think of george washington on the 1, the new one would have obama.. curious..
↑ ↑ ↑ Follow the arrows and click the blue DivaAnnFisher above. I wrote an answer to Bernie Madoff. It is my ORIGINAL song, I’VE GOT A SMILE. Just follow the link in my name, in blue, above. It is a song written for our troubled economic times.
I wrote an answer to Bernie Madoff. It is my ORIGINAL song, I’VE GOT A SMILE. Just follow the link in my name, in blue, above. It is a song written for our troubled economic times.
LOL.. Thank you I thought I was the only one who knew that magic money leads to worthless money. Well when you vote stupid get ready for stupid policies.
as if the BUSH admin didnt already do the same thing. Remember Rumsfeld admitting that the defense department under his charge and command had “LOST” two TRILLION dollars (yeah that is T for TRILLION), the day before 911? No I guess you don’t remember that DO YOU?!!!
wow that was really stupid. seriously who hates on obama? diaf
I think I love her.
inmyscope you are preaching to people who have no idea who M. Friedman or JMK are. These people are idiots. I want to stick a gun in my mouth everyday and pull the trigger because I refuse to take advantage of these people. If I took advantage of stupid people the way Comrade Obama has I would be worth millions, but unfortunately I have a soul. Comrade Obama doesn’t. Just listen to 80′s Metallica until you die and smoke a lot of cigarettes to make the end come sooner. That’s my plan anyway.
thomaspainereturns. net These are the times that try men’s souls. This short motto has echoed for centuries. It gave strength to American patriots in 1776 as it propelled them to liberty. This motto is alive and just as appropriate today as it was at the beginning of the Revolution.
ajajaja XD just keep the change muchas gracias senorita jajaa xD
0:56 – 0:58… Lol…
m really sorry, but these things freak me out sooo much! dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name wll appear on the screen n big letters ths is so scary cuz it actully wrks ths really wrks
Look at the bright side. We’ll all be millionaires!!
What in the world are you talking about?
Inflation…. So the a million dollars for pizza would be like 10 dollars if… nvm…=\
Milton Friedman who was originally a Keynesian, said it best: Keynes was a brilliant economist, BUT he was wrong. Like all forms of socialism and statism, it just does not work.
the only change I see is change in color!
the man has a point, as to only sound racist. colour.. does open good relations with other parts of the world. it helps.. sadly. iran for example. and as for obama being any good. could someone explain this hype about HR1388 and HR 45… supposed bills from congress impeding on american rights. can’t weight it up if its alarmists basking in 5 mins of fame or there’s a hint of truth about it?
oh shit that looks real
When a thousand dollars isn’t enough to buy bread, what will you do to eat? Go back to sleep… watch?v=FywT-txGuss
hahahah one more thing…..that video is pretty spot on in terms of inflation ect…..TakoI3 the facts are pretty general, and the numbers in the video are accurate. Premier Obama is our savior and I plan on becoming homeless so I can get some money and live the lazy life he feels all Americans deserve. Or as he says, “European haters”. Since, we enjoy independent prosperity. Wow…….he is really screwing up our country
Hi aim….I like you comment…….no one knows if it was the New Deal or the Industry increase solved the depression. I feel his plan will increase inflation and kill the value of our dollar. And the tax has already affected my family’s business and have had to lay off 2 workers. Thanks, Obama