There’s nothing like perking up workweek doldrums than with a sexy tropical libation. This cocktail comes by way of the beautiful country of Brazil. It’ll have you lusting for that Girl from Ipanema frolicking on the beach with Gisele Bündchen in itsy bitsy Brazilian bikinis. So what drink could sum up all this Brazilian sexiness in a glass? Just Brazil’s national drink – the Caipirinha and her sexy little sis, Caipirissima.
This how-to is dedicated to the Caipirissima which is made with light rum rather than the Brazilian spirit Cachaça (which is used in a Caipirinha). Like the Cuban Mojito (watch how to make a Mojito), this is also a muddled drink. I go over the semantics in the video – guess you’ll just have to watch to learn more. Saude and drink responsibly!
P.S. For those of you who enjoy a lush life, remember the Caipirinha / Caipirissima isn’t just lime and sugar juice and downing too much may cause your motor skills to crash. If your lack of sobriety should result in a drunken stooper here’s a link to a few “tried and true” idiot friendly hangover cures. The bacon one is THE best!
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what happened to the drink
nao è assim
i went to Brazil last summer i stayed in a motel by rio de najeiro the food is ok i prefer american food any day … i remenber waitresses kept coming in and out my room my girl was pissed to bad we broke up
y were waitresses n and out of ur room wat were u doin?
tienes una cara de mamona bien cabron
brazilian PRIDE
Gatinha tu gosta mais de capirinha ou ice, pra mim tanto faz capirinha ou ice, ou ice ice ice ice
Delicious drink !!! Brasil :-))
Great! i’ve tried it and its taste verry well!
great video of how to make this brazilian drink. You even look Brazilian in this video…very pretty and sexy. Were you ever a Bartender? You seem to know a lot on how to make these drinks and the ingredients for them and where the ingredients come from. I also, liked in these drink videos…that you also have tips on how to cure these hangovers from these drinks…very responsible host…very nice and thoughtful of you. Great job and you give these drink ads a ran for their money!
After cutting the lemon in small wedges, you must take off the white parts. Otherwise the caipiríssima will taste bitter.
Great Advice.
did you say “COCK” tail??
caipirinha is the best… but only with Cachaca 51
so tired of all this pukey vampire shit. BUT, nice vid anyway
BTW guys: do NOT stir this drink with your penis as the lime juice can be an irritant. I’m just saying…
emmmmm!! Delicious looking! I am on my way out to go buy the ingredients and make some for me right now!!
After watching this video, I think I can stir the drink with my erect penis.
yes i would do you! are you happy now? sigh..
How many ounces of rum, Shirley Frank? [wink]
você deveria ter tirado a casca do limão! fora isso tá bom… melhor mesmo é tomar caipirinha aqui no brasil! com o sol…o mar!
i’m from Brazil! I love Caipirinha!!!
very sweet looking girl
Pertenço ao Google Web Group e sou brasileiro, e não gostei do que foi dito das mulhures brasileiras. Remova imediatamente esse video para que naum haja a expulsão do youtube serviços e/ou Google Gmail and Google Tools
Ei gatinha, pra sua caipirinha ficar boa você deve retirar a casca, o ácido dela deixa um gosto amargo, e faltou o açucar você deve espremer o limão junto com o açucar, minha caipirinha é aprovada por garotas
hyyyyyyyyyyy where is the ass hmmmmmm