EuroZone ESM “Treaty of Debt” can act with full impunity above all other EU laws?

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If this is accurate, it’s pretty frightening stuff, right along the lines of complete “New World Order” totalitarian domination over all of Europe. Open to hearing any thoughts to the contrary…

(abgeordneten) “EU: Treaty of debt (ESM) – stop it now!” Deputies on Check.de – The EU is threatening to transfer a debt-based Union of turning a liability community. In addition, the fiscal and budgetary powers of national parliaments will be given to an EU-Governors. This is based on the only recently become known to the draft treaty called “European Stability Mechanism (ESM)”, decide on the members of the German Bundestag probably after the summer break of 2011. German tax money to answer for the debt policies of other EU countries. We should work to make the banks any losses. The taxpayer is prescribed compulsory solidarity. The banks are on a voluntary basis here. The citizens of this free will not to admit you. We have to pay. The ESM contract can not therefore pass through the German Parliament”

Key Details of ESM Accord

  • Article 8 says “Authorized Capital stock 700 billion Euros”
  • Article 9 says “ESM members irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay capital calls on them within 7 days”
  • Article 10 allows the ESM board of governors to “change the authorized capital and amend article 8 accordingly”
  • Article 27 says ESM shall enjoy “immunity from every form of judicial process”. Thus the ESM can sue member countries but no one can challenge it. No governments, parliament or any other body or laws apply to the ESM or its organization.
  • Article 30 says “Governors, alternate governors, directors, alternate directors, the managing director and staff shall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them (…) and shall enjoy inviolability in respect of their official papers and documents”

Site Link: Initiative Stoppt EU-Schuldenunion (ESM-Vertrag)!

(Mish) “There are no independent reviewers and no existing laws apply. Thus Europe’s national budgets will be in the hands of one single, unelected body that is accountable to no one and immune from all legal actions. Is this the future of the EU or will the German supreme court and other governments put an end to it?”

Full Story: Treaty of Debt – An Eye Opening Video on the ESM Bailout Mechanism (Mish)

(Mish) “Klaus Regling, head of the European Financial Stability Facility has proposed European Bailout Fund Could ‘One Day’ Issue Bonds in Yuan. Financial Suicide – Issuing bonds in another currency risks financial suicide. Currency movements add to the already massive potential risk of huge fluctuations because of leverage. Argentina blew up when it could no longer hold a peg in US dollars. While not a peg, imagine the losses on long-term bonds on a leveraged fund were the Yuan to rise by 33% vs. the Euro.”

Full Story: Financial Suicide: Head of EFSF says Bailout Fund Could One Day Issue Bonds in Yuan (Mish)


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