Ruth Madoff Shows Her Hideous Roots

NEW POST! Ruth Madoff Hates You! UPDATE: JUDGE DENNY CHIN BLOCKS ASSETS TRANSFER! – Crook Bernie Madoff and his business associates family members have done nothing but wreak financial havoc for many since December of last year.  While on Twitter this past Saturday, I stumbled upon an enthusiastic tweet by Daleela Farina about her fabulous new coif at the “it” Midtown East luxury salon, Pierre Michel.  So, what in the hell does a hair salon have to do with Wall Street’s Satan incarnate?  The NYPost’s Page Six published this article that Pierre Michel’s decade long former client, Ruth Madoff, has now been banned from the salon (GASP! 8O ).  Isn’t it a relief to know that Mrs. Madoff can still afford such luxuries?  Well BOO F’ing HOO FOR YOU Ruthie and snaps for Pierre Michel Salon (Elle Woods style b*tches :P )!

I’m a close matzah ball’s throw away from the Madoff residence and personally it’s refreshing to read that the Madoff name is creating buzz and some moolah for a business establishment instead of the reverse.  As for Ruthie Madoff’s graying goldilocks, I imagine she can surely shell out to have a hair stylist visit her home considering her MANY MILLIONS in “INHERITANCE”.  If not, there are plenty of luxury doggie grooming salons here on the Upper Eastside…oh silly me, that’s right those are for CANINES NOT PIGS IN LIPSTICK, gosh darn it.  Oh wait, here’s an idea for poor Ruthie since she’ll most likely have those pretty tresses chopped off in the slammer anyway – why not do SOMETHING CHARITABLE for her husband’s victims and auction off her locks on Ebay!  Cheaper than SuperCuts, a fun, charitable cause and Ruthie will be able to leave her multimillion dollar penthouse without a bag over her head. :twisted:



by on Apr 20, 2009, 2:17pm Share
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