Teens accused of "sexting" are facing felony charges. Nope, that's NOT Miley Cyrus in the pic. That's me! Photo art by Michelle.
In the past few months there has been much buzz in the media concerning the salaciously hot and naughty teenage “sexting” phenomenon. If you’re not up to date on your mobile porn slang, sexting refers to the act of sending hot nudie OR semi-nude pics via cell phone. Which we all do at least a few times a day, right? Kind of like my seriously raunchy Twitter updates.
Just search on Google and a slew of sexting articles pop up that are so outlandish it’s mind boggling. In a case in Western Pennsylvania, teenagers are being charged with CHILD PORNOGRAPHY for sending and receiving pictures of themselves to other teens that THEY TOOK OF THEMSELVES. That’s some serious, crazy @ss sh*t, literally!
Horny teenage kids will be little horny teenage kids. That’s timeless. Why should these particular adolescents in Western PA (and in other states too, i.e. North Carolina) face felony charges that will haunt them throughout their LIFETIMES with a digital Scarlet Letter? In contrast, I’d like to know why teenage Disney whorebots like Miley Cyrus are labeled a “victim” of hacker theft when her now notorious implied shower pics were “uncovered”. Pictures that Miss Cyrus presumably TOOK of HERSELF (major shocker). So, why the f*** isn’t sweet, innocent, Christian Miley Cyrus labeled a SEX OFFENDER TOO?! Could it be because she sent her pictures via email over the internet and not by cell phone so she’s free and clear in a legal web loophole? Or is it because she’s been tagged and branded as the untouchable property of Disney and such a marvelously concocted publicity stunt would help skyrocket ‘Ho’annah Montana ratings and merchandise sales to Uranus?! Hmmm….me thinks the latter.
Doesn’t this ridiculousness just toot your horn and burn your caboose? With the PRIVILEGE of FAME comes RESPONSIBILITY. Shouldn’t Miss Cyrus be a role model to her peers? Hell yeah!
Dear reader, I’d love to know what YOUR THOUGHTS are on this subject. Do YOU FEEL that young stars like Miley Cyrus should be broiled by the law with the same scrutiny as their non-famous teenage peers for distributing implied, semi-nude and nude images? Comment below!
If she was my little girl we’d have a litle family night every week
kno what i mean ha ha ha
Miley is hot, you have to admit it. But there is a problem with sexting. Found lots of info http://www.teenagesexting.net as well as some really cool phone spy software there.
Miley is my rolemodel and if you have a problem i don’t care but if you dont then.. Contact me at this number for some sexy pics. 732 690 5900 thanks guys and girls i like both.
email me at smith_dre99@yahoo.com
I loved this!! My sister read that Miley Cyrus is going to be in the next Sex and the City movie. She is so super hot. Click here to see her sexy pictures.
I think Miley is a hot b****
yall nedd to leave her alone all of that stuf is not tru yall are making thes videos your messing her life up so leave hey alone
this site and to the management of such shares to us for ease of finding internet te thank you very much for
you guys are alll haters on her foreal !
so what if she did it she messed up get over it!
she is a real person and more then half of teenage girls have sent a naked picture sent around or not it is a fact! it isnt good but it happens
hi miley you are not hot
why did u sleep with ur dad u stupid fat loser
fat b****
your so gay miley i dont like you why did u sleep with ur dad
miley cyrus is a promising your actress with a future career in both singing and acting. she is a very talented girl that is why my kids admire her.
this is awful what a stupid thing all my respect for this girl is gone miley cyrus is
any respect i had for miley has just gone down the crapper. whoever sends texts of themselves naked is basically asking for the receiver to spread them all over the internet anyways..
Russ, those shower pics of Miley are from a few months ago and were supposedly hacked from her computer or email….SUPPOSEDLY. The point I’m trying to make is why is it OK for an underage celeb to take semi-nude pictures whether it’s an SMS message or email. A digital image is just that and can be distributed in various ways, so according to these Sexting cases shouldn’t someone like Miley be considered for similar charges (i.e. child pornography). Btw, thanks for stopping by!
Well, I think that even if she was considered for charges, some lawyer that works for Disney would just dig her out of it. She is a little hoe-bag though.
You’re probably right!
haha i say miley cyrus is sexually offensive!
hmmm…..maybe just offensive in general….?
ur right rock on