Happy Eighth Birthday Sasha Obama! Hope it was a big splash!
President Obama is not only an exemplary politician but also a role model of a father. In a news article published in the Baltimore Sun yesterday, Barack emphasized the importance of maintaining a normal family life in his White House by making his young daughters’ schedules a priority on his to do list. In fact, so much so that the Prez was quoted as saying, “You know, we had travel. I had to go to Normandy. And then the girls had, Sasha had her birthday party here, and she was flying folks in for a pool party. So, really, it revolves around the girls’ social schedule.”
According to Blackcelebkids.com, Sasha O.’s eighth birthday was a full four day fête (June 7th – 10th) while living it up in Paris, France and London, England (even closing tourist hotspot Westminster Abbey!) and according to Dad, a pool party at the White House. That’s quite some birthday for an eight-year-old! Next year’s decadent festivities may have to top Paris Hilton’s twenty-first bday debauchery.

The trendsetting First Family know opulence – afterall, the Obama administration threw the most expensive inauguration celebration in American history. The O’s have also made it known to the public that they emphasize a great importance on spending downtime with loved ones (not to mention, spending in general)! Like Michelle and Barack’s costly jaunt to New York City last month for a dinner date and a Broadway show with taxpayers covering the transportation and security tab of tens of thousands of dollars.
Have taxpayers comped the airfare for Sasha’s playmates as well? If this post seems overly critical to you, on the next boiling hot summer day that you’d like to turn your thermostat down to 72 degrees recall the President’s remarks of Americans’ selfish lavishness. Apparently with the Obama administration, socialism doesn’t apply to the “socialist”.
Also, I don’t recall Chelsea Clinton, the Gore children or even the mildy wild child Bush twins being labeled (or living the lavish lifestyle) as young “celebrities”. As a last note, for my own eighth birthday I vaguely recall a delicious Baskin Robbins chocolate ice cream cake. Wait…nope, that was the bratty kid down the street.
A special thanks to reader Marilyn for suggesting this roast worthy post!
I understand that Sasha is about to get the most expenive present a juvenile ever in history received: A cap and A trade! Of course that means that all the rest of us will have no money to give to our children. Oh well!
Trooperblooper, at least you’ll be able to sleep well at night knowing that you’ve fulfilled your obligation as a dutiful serf…..oops…I mean taxpayer.