Rebecca Gayheart, Eric Dane and That Other Girl’s Threesome Sex Tape EXCLUSIVE PICS

One thing is certain - whatever is going on above beats "three men in a tube".  Composite art by Michelle.

The sex tape was a wash-up but hopefully you'll find this illustration to be a fun splash. One thing is certain - whatever is going on above beats "three men in a tub". Rub-a-Dub-Dub, baby! Composite art by Michelle.

The month of August typically brings heat, bothersome humidity and media doldrums. It’s been quite some time since a steamy celebrity sex tape hit the Internet and today was no exception.  Recently, published a censored version of a “sex tape” starring Grey’s Anatomy star, Eric Dane (along with his anatomy), his wife former Noxema girl, Rebecca Gayheart and former beauty queen turned wanna-be Heidi Fleiss, Kari Ann Periche. I use quotations loosely around sex tape because although there is nudity (refer to’s version) there wasn’t much sex….or any remotely interesting happenings. I retract that statement. There was some hot fondling of rubber duckies dipping underwater during the “bathtub scene” along with the use of questionable contraband. Oh, yeah and one chick’s alter ego is named “Nina” and the dude is Peter Cocaine Cowboy or something another.  Giddy-up!!!

It seems like this celeb erotic film of late has lost a stiff wind in its sail (well, a stiff anything).  And this uneventful one may leaves its stars all washed up and high and dry.

P.S. Unfortunately the released sex footage was a boring bust so I felt compelled to make it up to you dear readers with the above Photoshopped pièce de résistance.  Enjoy!



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